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twitter 反差 数字商科与皆门发展窜改中心

发布日期:2024-09-27 21:53    点击次数:108

twitter 反差 数字商科与皆门发展窜改中心

1. 在线零卖商通过配结伴伴线下退货twitter 反差

原标题:Offline Returns for Online Retailers via Partnership


期刊:Management Science

作家:Leela Nageswaran, Elina H. Hwang, Soo-Haeng Cho



摘抄:在线购物者世俗更可爱将物品退还给商店(即“线下退货”),而不是通过邮寄送还。咱们斟酌了一种新的贸易施行,即退货配结伴伴筹商,在这种筹商中,在线零卖商与实体店零卖商配合,提供线下退货处事。咱们试图找出退货配合何时对实体店和在线零卖商皆有益。主顾在购买时不错在在线渠谈和实体店之间遴荐,并决定是否退货,以及通过哪种渠谈送还在线购买的商品。咱们发现,提供互异化居品的实体店和在线零卖商有配合的动机,就像Everlane和Cost Plus World Market之间通过Happy Returns(一家连气儿在线零卖商和实体店零卖商的处事提供商)形成的退货配结伴伴筹商相似。在这种情况下,通过整合从商店送还商品的运载,在线零卖商从从简资本中获益,这些收益卓越了高退货率带来的亏蚀。咱们的斟酌标明,与起首的直观相悖,退货配结伴伴筹商也可能波及提供访佛居品的零卖商,就像亚马逊和Kohl's之间的情况相似。在这种情况下,线上客户转向线下退货确保了实体店零卖商配合的动机。但是,当线下退货的便利性促使更多的在线购物者退货时,就会摈弃在线零卖商的积极性。因此,咱们教导全球,在居品互异化有限的情况下,到店购物不应过于便利,以免形成配合筹商。

Abstract: Online shoppers often prefer to return items to stores (i.e., “offline return”) rather than mail them back. We study a new business practice, return partnership, wherein online retailers partner with store retailers to offer offline returns. We seek to identify when return partnerships benefit both the store and online retailers. Customers choose between the online and store channels for their purchase and decide whether, and through which channel, to return an online purchase if needed. We find that store and online retailers who offer differentiated products have incentives to partner, as in the case of the return partnership between Everlane and Cost Plus World Market (formed via Happy Returns—a service provider that connects online retailers with store retailers). In this case, the online retailer’s benefit from the cost savings achieved by consolidating shipments of returned items from stores outweighs the loss associated with a high return rate. We show that, contrary to initial intuition, return partnerships may also feature retailers who offer similar products, as in the case of Amazon-Kohl’s. In this case, online customers’ migration to offline returns ensures a store retailer’s incentive to partner. However, it limits the incentive of an online retailer when the added convenience of an offline return induces more returns of online purchases. Thus, we caution that with limited differentiation in product offerings, store visits should not be too convenient for a partnership to form.

2. 数字实质创作:保举系统的影响分析

原标题:Digital Content Creation: An Analysis of the Impact of Recommendation Systems

期刊:Management Science

作家:Kun Qian, Sanjay Jain




Abstract: The success of digital content platforms, such as YouTube, relies on both the creativity of independent content creators and the efficiency of content distribution. By sharing advertising revenue with content creators, these platforms can motivate creators to exert greater effort. Most platforms use recommendation systems to deliver personalized content recommendations to each consumer. As creators’ revenues are contingent on their demand, the demand allocation criteria inherent in the recommendation system can influence their content creation behavior. In this paper, we investigate the influence of a platform’s recommendation system on revenue-sharing plans, content creation, profits, and welfare. Our results show that a platform could benefit by biasing recommendations, that is, recommending content that is not an ideal match to a consumer’s preference, to incentivize creators to produce better-quality content. We refer to this as a biased recommendation strategy. Interestingly, we find that such a biased recommendation strategy may lead to a win-win in which the platform, consumers, and content creators can benefit. Our study also shows that consumers may be worse off when they are more knowledgeable and less dependent on the recommendation system. In addition, the platform, consumers, and creators can benefit when the platform has more accurate information on consumer preferences.

3. 保举系统若何影响破钞者搜索行动:一项现场实验

原标题:How Recommendation Affects Customer Search: A Field Experiment

期刊:Information Systems Research

作家:Zhe Yuan, AJ Yuan Chen, Yitong Wang, Tianshu Sun




Abstract: Product recommendation and search are two technology-mediated channels through which e-commerce platforms can help customers find products. However, the relationship between the two channels and the underlying mechanisms and implications for platform design are not well understood. We leverage a randomized field experiment with 555,800 customers on a large e-commerce platform to investigate how product recommendation affects customer search. We vary the relevance of the recommendation that users experience upon arriving at the home page of the platform and find that a decrease in recommendation relevance leads to a significant increase in consumers’ use of the search channel, indicating a (partial) substitution effect between the two at the aggregate level. We find substantial heterogeneity across product categories, propose a conceptual framework, and theorize how different states of customer demand—demand fulfillment and demand formation—may drive such heterogeneity. The results are aligned with our framework and provide evidence that both demand formation and fulfillment are at work in the channel interactions between recommendation and search. Specifically, when customers receive more product recommendations in a category, they search more in that category with generic query words, which indicates complementarity between recommendation and search. However, when customers receive fewer product recommendations in a category of interest, they compensate for this reduction by searching more in that category with long-tail query words, which indicates a substitution between recommendation and search. This experimental study is among the first to examine the causal relationship between the recommendation channel and search channel and offers implications for the design of e-commerce platforms.

4. 先验信息与破钞者搜索:来自眼动跟踪的把柄

原标题:Prior Information and Consumer Search: Evidence from Eye Tracking

期刊:Management Science

作家:Raluca Mihaela Ursu, Tülin Erdem, Qingliang Wang, Qianyun Zhang




Abstract: Do consumers search the brands they know more or less frequently than the brands with which they are unfamiliar? In this paper, we attempt to answer this question using data from an experiment with two novel features: (i) survey information on consumers’ prior brand ownership, familiarity with each brand, and prior experience using different product features and (ii) eye-tracking data capturing search behavior at a very granular level. We find that consumers are generally more likely to search and buy brands they own and with which they are familiar, highlighting the importance of accounting for prior information. For this reason, we develop a search model in which both the information obtained during the search process and the information possessed by consumers prior to search are allowed to influence search and purchase decisions. Our model contributes to prior work by modeling search at the brand and attribute levels within a Bayesian learning framework. Using this model, we then quantify the impact of prior information on consumer choices as well as document the estimation bias arising when prior information is absent from the model. Finally, through a series of counterfactuals, we explore the managerial value of prior information data.

5. 在线商场中的时刻和去中介化

原标题:Technology and Disintermediation in Online Marketplaces

期刊:Management Science

作家:Grace Y. Gu




Abstract: With the development of communication technology that makes online transactions easier, there is also an increased risk of disintermediation—sellers and buyers circumventing a platform to transact directly—in online two-sided marketplaces. Such disintermediation may lead to significant revenue loss for online platforms. However, it remains unclear how the characteristics of platforms affect their vulnerability to disintermediation. Using the blockade of Skype in mainland China as a natural experiment, this study examines how online communication technologies affect disintermediation and transaction outcomes in a large U.S. online freelance marketplace. The results show that restricting this alternative communication technology, which platforms struggle to monitor, reduces disintermediation by around 18%. This effect is potentially due to economic frictions in transactions, as the reduction in disintermediation is greater for high-transaction-cost jobs, such as time-sensitive jobs, communication-intensive jobs, and high-skilled jobs, as well as for cost-sensitive users, such as experienced users and personal users as opposed to enterprise users. With these results, platforms can reduce disintermediation risks when making investment and market entry decisions.

6. 在线匹配平台的兼容性与信息分裂称

原标题:Compatibility and Information Asymmetry in Online Matching Platforms

期刊:Management Science

作家:Amit Basu, Sreekumar Bhaskaran, Rajiv Mukherjee




Abstract: Firms seeking business partners and individuals seeking life partners face several challenges in addition to finding available candidates. One of these challenges is uncertainty about a candidate’s compatibility with the match-seeker on various subjective criteria. Another challenge is authentication of objective quality features, particularly in online settings where credentials can be easily misrepresented. Online matching platforms can address these challenges through counseling services that help assess mutual compatibility of match-seekers and authentication services to validate match-seekers’ credentials. Using a stylized model, we show that the platform’s decisions to offer counseling and authentication services are influenced by match-seeker behavior in response to factors such as the platform’s counseling capability, the composition of the matching market, and the interactions between the two services. This leads to optimal strategies for the platform that are not obvious and can even be counterintuitive. For instance, offering better counseling does not necessarily result in higher revenues for the platform. And it may be optimal for the platform to reduce its access fee when it decides to offer an authentication service. We also show that when the platform’s counseling capability is modest, an increase in this capability increases the value of authentication (i.e., counseling complements authentication); however, when the platform’s counseling capability is high, counseling and authentication become substitutes, because narrowing the search to only high-value candidates based on authentication can exclude some compatible candidates. Our analysis and results provide valuable insights for platform operators on the relative value of counseling and authentication, and for researchers studying matching platforms for vertically and horizontally differentiated markets.

7. 在线搜索与最优居品名次:一个教授框架

原标题:Online Search and Optimal Product Rankings: An Empirical Framework

期刊:Marketing Science

作家:Giovanni Compiani, Gregory Lewis, Sida Peng, Peichun Wang




Abstract: We study the problem faced by an online retail platform choosing product rankings in order to maximize two distinct goals: consumer surplus and revenues/profits. To this end, we specify a version of the Weitzman sequential search model in which search reveals a consumer’s idiosyncratic taste for the product as well as vertical dimensions of its quality, and we derive convenient expressions for consumer surplus and revenues. To optimize consumer surplus, platforms should facilitate product discovery by promoting “diamonds in the rough,” that is, products with a large gap between the utility they deliver and what consumers expect based on the presearch information. By contrast, to maximize static revenues, the platform should favor high-margin products, potentially creating a tension between the two objectives. We develop computationally tractable algorithms for estimating consumer preferences and optimizing rankings, and we provide approximate optimality guarantees in the latter case. When we apply our approach to data from Expedia, our suggested consumer surplus–optimizing ranking achieves both higher consumer surplus and higher revenues relative to the Expedia ranking—delivering a Pareto improvement—and also dominates ranking the products in order of utility, which is intuitive but fails to leverage information on what consumers know presearch.

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