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阿朱 勾引 网罗零卖商 e

发布日期:2024-09-27 22:33    点击次数:166

阿朱 勾引 网罗零卖商 e

阿朱 勾引





你身边是不是有好多“网购族”?鼠标在各样在线商店猖獗点点银子就起初了,心爱的宝贝也动手了。这些网罗商店其实跟我们生存中的retail store(零卖店)差未几,只不外他们的商品枚举、往还王人是在线完成的驱散,因此,网罗零卖商就叫e-tailer。

The word e-tailer is a portmanteau word derived from 'electronic' and 'retailer', in a similar way to 'e-mail'. The word has been in use since at least 1995.


Two distinct categories of e-tailers are pure plays and bricks and clicks. A pure play e-tailer uses the Internet as its primary means of retailing. A brick and click e-tailer uses the Internet to push its good or service but also has the traditional physical storefront available to customers.


(英语点津 Helen 裁剪)

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